Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I was having an excellent day until I hit my head on
a pipe in the
basement. I mean knocked myself on my ass
hit...really hard...goose egg
hit. I sat with my mom watching That 70's show with
a bag of frozen peas
resting on the wound. Now my eyes are sore around
the rims, and I feel
tired. Come on, keep encouraging me with your
sympathy. It's moments
like these that I think about how I whined for
attention as a
child...and mom's reply of "Hush. Else I give you
something real to cry
about." It's only fun to whine when you recieve the
reaction you want.
Otherwise, you begin to feel stupid, or scared or

Hey if you live in town come check out this cute
chica. I've heard her
stuff played on the very grounds of my backyard.
Pretty amazing, lyrics
and finger picking...she's well rounded. Friday
night at Lemonjello's,
9pm. $2 suggested donation for Righteous Babes or
something like that


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