Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I walked into work on my day off, just to pick up my
sewing machine
(yeah I bring it in to have something to do when
it's slow), and box up
a couple of guitar straps that needed to be sent
out. Tom (the guy that
rents a little section of the hot tub shop for his
landscaping business
office.) walked up to me and proceeded to, as humbly
as his 6'2" cocky
macho self could, apologize for a comment he made to
me as I was eating
a soft taco at work last week. The comment was one
that made me choke
down and even gag on the contents in my mouth, all
for the nasty visual
he provided and I catered too. He laughed
hysterically, and I glared at
him...smiling, while refusing to laugh. Which
bugged him, I know it
did...because he did his strut thing back to his
office and was like "oh
come on Johanna! I see you flipping Niah the bird
all the time, and
you're gagging at that?"

Well yesterday he said "I'd like to apologize for my
comment to you the
other was un-acceptable." You wanna know
what I said? What I
cut him off to say? "And Tom I'm sorry if I gave
you the impression
that I would find it acceptable." He looked like I
had just stabbed a
knife into is ball of cockyness. I laughed because
of two
the look on his face (no one can get him to shut up
like I did.) two
because I was embarassed. I the peruser, had just
said something
without thinking about it. I quickly recovered and
said that I was
serious, that what he had said about me finding one
form of crass humor
cute or acceptable and turning my nose up at
something some would place
in the same catagory, could proove to be confusing.
He said "whoa!
apology accepted then..." I accepted his then's hard to screw
up socially with people like Tom, he basically takes
what he wants and
walks away until he can use it to tease you again
some other day. I
feel like such a spaz, it was such a genuine
encounter, but then he
doesn't really know me. So the understanding
stopped at a certain
point. I bet he's not even thinking about it now,
but then again I
never expected him to apologize to me either.

To ramble more...I am selling an amazing coat
gename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1> on ebay. If you don't
buy it I won't be
sad, because I can have it for myself then...I do
look good in it.

Then again...I still aspire to be a
you can take it. In
exchange for a hefty hunk of change. heh-heh-heh.

Look it me, I have dollar signs for pupils. That
ain't right.


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