Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Currently Reading: Fashion History
see related

It is "no shave november"...according to friend Ryan, who has a cousin in a musical group called The Tide. Ryan says that the guys in the band all put their razors away for the month. So, Ryan and a couple of willing fellows are letting their face hair lengthen this month as well. Niah considered it, and gave up all in one day...that's when I got to thinking of ways I could join in. Seeing how I have minimal amounts of facial hair...yeah I said minimal, I will not deny the few stray hairs on my chinny chin chin. Ever since my lovely friend Steph told me that every woman in the world had at least one long black hair growing on their face, she didn't care how old, how twentysomething, how skinny, fat, fair, or dark, we all have one...I felt a little less awkward. it's true, if you don't have one yet, keep in eye out upon approaching womanhood, there will be something to pluck besides the eyebrows. Regardless, the down on my lips is nothing I'd ever shave off in most occasions anyhow. So I thought maybe I could go without the legs being shaved...but that doesn't happen so often in the winter months anyway, so the next consideration was the armpits...but that got gross, no amount of patchouli would make me feel good about that. I'll leave the shaveless days to the boys...and just enjoy watching the transformation. That's supportive enough right?


At 6:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I honestly thought it was only my crazy friend, Mike, who was partaking in "no shave November." It was interesting to read your first couple of blogs. You seem to think about things in similar ways to me. I also argue and learn from my 6 year old brother. I am 19, soon to be twenty and it amazes me that we can manage to have "nuh-huh, uh-huh" fights.


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