Thursday, February 02, 2006


This blanket I lay wrapped in smells like you.
Its scent mingles with that of the intense cold,
stinging my nostrils with chills of realization.

I had once before named your child in my heart.

The future smiled at me through your words
and glimmered in my eyes.
While only the stars flash tonight
I find myself alone with the memories.

Laying, with my back across the frozen dirt
I clutch the blanket tighter
and press my nose into the fabric.
Warming my breath,
calming my heart,
viewing the slivered moon.

I pray for the smell to fade as I inhale deeply.
This is where I’ll stay until my own scent embeds itself once more
and I forget entirely
what reminds me of you.


At 1:32 AM, Blogger Kat Smith said...

did you write this??????

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Kassianni said...

oooh, so melancholy and comforting all at the same time.


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