Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Could he be any more beautiful?

I wonder why out of all the fruit produced of my parents loins, did he get the blue eyes. I mean I know I should be content with myself just the way I am...God made me special, and that means I get pretty brown eyes...but really, look at that.

I think I've always wanted blue eyes...I found this little somthing that I wrote a while ago.
I wish my eyes were blue grown pale, and my jawline more structuraly chistled. So that when I set it and look at you, you will feel the chill of my resolve.

I'll tell you why Isaiah got blue eyes...because I would've used a set of my own evilly.
That's enough, I'm going to make cookies now, one batch wheat free for drew...and one regular for us normal people.

Give thanks for the over abundance.


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