Friday, October 01, 2004

I'm really supposed to be cleaning my my
own initiative I'll
have you know. Between sewing materials and the
clean laundry I have
yet to fold from early this week, it's pretty sad.
And that my friends
makes me sad. I have to write though...I never
write when I am
full...just when the ideas are stale within me. So
here it goes...

I took Isaiah to the park last night, I was really
run down because I
haven't been sleeping well these days...and I knew
even if I wasn't
running around with him trying to keep up with his
five year old bundle
of energy, he'd be happy that I was taking him to do
something he likes
to do. I feel so bad for him sometimes...having
siblings that are so
much older than him, who are quite caught up in
their busy lives. When
we got to the park I pushed him on the tire swing
then he took off to
romp on all the play equipment. I perched myself on
cement ledge that
surrounds the sand box and watched. There were
these two hispanic boys
who's sister sat watching them play as well. One of
the little boys was
at the top of the curvy slide sending two matchbox
racers down the slide
which were caught before crashing into the mulch by
his younger was a pretty clever game. I watched as
Isaiah slowly and
shyly made his way to their side of the's so funny how
he crept up, because once he got there he totally
abandonded all
inhibition and did all he could to let them know he
existed, except body
slam them. I smiled until the little boys moved to
another slide,
Isaiah was kind of serving as a road block on their
makeshift highway.
I started calling out to Isaiah to come play in the
sand with me, I felt
bad for both sides...they were having a good time
until my brother tried
to join in...and I knew Isaiah was just trying to
play, so I wanted to
distract him...anyway, the other boys' sister said
something in spanish,
which I am not at all fluent in, but I did hear
"nino"(pretend the right
punctuation is there)...which means "boy"...I think.
Then the older kid
of the two asked Isaiah in english if he wanted to
play...he was of
course all about it, he and the younger boy squeezed
together at the
bottom of the slide and waited...the cars came
zooming down the curves
of the big red slide, colliding with two giggling
boys. The little boy
shouted something in Spanish and Isaiah tried to
imitate with some
gibberish that he thought sounded the same. I
couldn't help but
laugh...and hard at that. They were so darn cute :)
It was cool for me
to see how awkward the whole situation was at first
with Isaiah trying
to play but really just being an interference...all
it took was a simple
invitation to clear it up. It was pure harmony
after next
time I feel awkward around someone I'll just ask
them if they want to
play. That's all there is to it.

I just needed to unload. I've had that moving in my
head like a t.v.
show re-run all day. Thanks for reading anyway:)


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